The effect of Globalization in my journey
Globalization has brought about many changes in human lives. In the last few decades has been very fast which has resulted in the world wide economical, social, political and cultural integration through the advancement in the technologies telecommunication,w transportation.
We all know that our surroundings are full of technologies such as computer, cell phone , laptop and so forth. For me the effect of globalization in my journey is to enhance my skill using the technologies because when i have learned about these. it could help to my study to find information what i want to know and it also could help to our teacher because they use television,laptop, and internet to show the student their lesson and easy to understand, Blessed Mary Academy is the one that can use it.
Someday, I want to become a teacher which is Filipino teacher because I love children, I want to teach then and to share my knowledge. I know that technologies it is the one that can I use it when I will teach my students

I know your wish become teacher and i know that wish become true someday because you are diligent person.keep it up!!
TumugonBurahinYour blog is an inspirational blog . keep it up :)